KhanAcademy created by Salman Khan has recently launched a biggest change in the history of educational websites. They have created a great platform for people/student/teacher to ease the process of learning and spreading knowledge. There are thousands of byte-sized videos and interactive items to enchance one's knowledge in particular field. The topics range from basic Mathematics to Biology, Finance, Physics and many more. I find the content really useful, and is helping in understanding the subject I feared - Mathematics ;)
Here I present few tips that would help in getting most of the KhanAcademy experience. They are more related to the youtube features, but KhanAcademy has used them as required.
Downloadable videos

Interactive Transcript
There is a option to enable the Interactive Transcript as shown in figure above. On enabling it, you see a the sentences currently between spoken in the video. It also allows to jump to specific location by selecting the sentences. Try this. You'll love it if you find your self frustated trying to go back to the exact sentence and if you have got a weak internet connection.
Speed up video playback
If you find yourself comfortable with the topic/skill you are studying, and at the same time you don't want to take the risk of skipping any vital information, you can increase the playback speed of the video. Above figure shows that option. It's display the info-box about how to enabled it. YOu need to enable the HTML-Trial in your youtube setting at
On enabling that, you'll see the option for increasing the speed of the playback after reloading the page.
You got a problem/task that does involve some calculation or rough work. There is a scratch-pad option as shown at the very bottom of task page.Altough it is not available under every task.
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